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What is radiology and what are its uses?

Radiology is one of the branches of medical science that helps to diagnose and treat various diseases by using non-invasive imaging methods such as X-rays. Radiology is sometimes used to diagnose various complications such as cancer in the human body.

The word radiology is composed of two words radio (radiation wave) and logic (expression). It means the expression of rays. This type of radiation is micro waves that pass through any material. And due to scattering, it is not even visible. The only material that cannot pass through it is lead. In radiology centers and radiology rooms, lead is used in the walls to prevent radiation from escaping. Today, radiology is widely used in disease diagnosis, treatment, and even industry.
In 1985, X-rays were first discovered by a scientist named Wilhelm Konrad Roentgen. He was the first to use X-rays to image the inside of the human body. He tried this technique for the first time on his wife’s hand, and this caused a lot of excitement among European scientists and researchers. Roentgen won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1901 for this discovery.
The first radiology device in Iran is related to Prof. Hashavi. As the father of modern physics and engineering in Iran, in order to be able to teach new phenomena to his students and introduce them to new global discoveries, he installed the first X-ray machine in the laboratory of the University of Higher Education (Dar al-Mulemmin Waqt), with dimensions Very small, in 1309 AH. launched
People who work in radiology centers.
People who work in radiology centers are called radiologists. A radiologist is actually a doctor who continues his education in the field of radiology after completing the course of general medicine. Due to the information they have about the diagnosis and treatment of various diseases, as well as their expertise in the use of radiological diagnostic and therapeutic methods, these people can help the specialist to diagnose various abnormalities and diseases more accurately.
Along with radiologists, there are people working to help them in medical centers, who are called technicians.
Radiology devices are very diverse due to the wide range of radiology applications. These devices generally use X-rays to image the desired area. However, radiology is not limited to the use of X-rays.
X-rays in plain radiography are usually used to view hard and bony tissues. In images obtained from plain radiography, bones and harder tissues are displayed in white and with high contrast against a dark background. Many other tissues of the body are seen as gray color spectrums in these images. Plain X-rays are mostly used to diagnose fractures, sprains and bone diseases. However, chest X-rays can detect lung and heart diseases in a patient. Another use of X-rays in radiology is performing radiographs of the jaw and face and diagnosing jaw and dental diseases.

The radiology department of Quran and Atrat Clinic, peace be upon him, includes general, organ and specialized radiography units.

Dental radiography includes:

  • General picture of teeth (Opg)
  • Photo of a single tooth (Pa)
  • Photo of skull profile (Lat ceph)

Specialized radiographs include:

  • Hysteroscopy (HSG)
  • Radiography of lower and upper limbs (Alignment view)
  • Radiography of the spine (Total spine)
  • Color photo of esophagus, stomach and
  • duodenum (Upper Gl)
  • Esophageal radiography with barium swallow

This department is active full-time with the presence of male and female radiology experts in compliance with health standards and high accuracy.

Another advantage of this department is to send the link of the patient’s graphic images to the mobile phone and coordinate with the doctors to view the images.

Working hours of radiology department of Quran and Atrat Clinic:

Normal days from 8 to 21:30
Holidays 10 to 13 and (17 to 20, please call before visiting.)

Be sure to bring your ID to receive services from the radiology department!